Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To whom it may concern:

So I have this problem.  I don't know what to say when people ask if I got my tubes tied.  For one thing, I cannot imagine why my reproductive system is anyone else's business.  And secondly, why would anyone even ask that?  It has to be for two reasons.  A, that I have too many children already and I could not possibly afford more.  Three is considered a  lot I guess, but Melodee just informed me that she would like two more sisters and maybe one more brother.  Or it is B, people cannot imagine how I could chance having another baby that is like Mercy.  I can't think of any other options.  We aren't "too old."   It isn't against the law. 

So if it is A.  Its none of your business!  I think that children are a very special gift from God (that even I don't always appreciate and treasure like I should) and they are not a burden or some kind of problem you have to work through.  They are blessings and on loan to us from their Father who loves them.  I trust that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.  So if the number is what is making you ask me, it is not your problem.  If we have to take out loans to take care of our baby that is what we will do.  Having them is much much more important that the big house, the car and money.  Showing them love and raising them to be productive selfless people will be not only a challenge, but a huge blessing!

And if it is B, then that is also very sad for you.  Because I was in this camp before I had Mercy, I realize that it is ignorance that makes people feel this way.  I would think, why would you keep having kids when you had one with down syndrome, you must be crazy. But now that we have our "special" baby, there is no way that would ever stop us from having another baby just because they might turn out like her!  She amazes us everyday.  To say that we wouldnt want another baby like her is to say that there is something wrong with her.  As our child, there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with her.  She is my baby.  Sure, there are some phyiscal and probably some mental things we have to work on and work through, but she is a child just like you and me.  And though it is hard, and I wouldnt want to have the stress of this on anyone, I trust that God would provide us with the child He picked for us if we decided to get pregnant again.  Besides, we already have the experience!  I feel like we could take on anything!!! 

Below is some pictures I took of her holding herself up.  She is 2 and a half months old here.  We thought she was going to be just a shell of a baby, if she even lived.  The doctors said she would not be able to do anything.  And she is trying to scoot herself all over the place.  Such a small thing, I know.  But we were really happy to see her do this!  And although it is going to take more time we truly believe she will be able to do all of the things they said she could not.  She is still eating very well.  Especially for her Dad.  She is way more picky when I give her the bottle.  She even almost latched on to my breast for some recreational sucking, because giving her breastmilk from there and not the bottle would make everyone much more happy.  It seems like God is giving us good news every time we take a test or meet with a doctor.  He is the only one with all of the final answers for who she is going to be.  We are going to let Him work it out and just love on our little family.


  1. Since having a child with special needs it amazes me what complete strangers feel the need to ask me... Really.... its none of their business... p.s Look how strong she is in those photos

  2. Wow! What a super strong little girl! :-)

  3. first of all - she is cute, second of all - the nerve of complete strangers (and friends) astounds me sometimes.

  4. Mercy is adorable! Look how strong she is, that's awesome!!

  5. Ok Kenz, when I had this dilemma (what to say when people ask dumb/hurtful questions) I decided to give people the benefit of the doubt first. Surely they didn't mean to sound the way that they came across. Sure they were just uneducated in what I was going through. I took it on as a challenge to educate them.
    When we first told people that we were adopting and had chosen a birthmother, people would often ask "what if she changes her mind?" My first instinct was to be sarcastic and say, "Oh! We hadn't even thought of that!" Of course we had thought of that, but what are the options? Instead I chose to tell them that we were trusting God that whatever happened, He'd be with us through it all. With hindsight I see that they were just worried about us and the situation and had no real experience with adoption, let alone private adoption and had only heard the scary stories that make the news.
    Another time a guy friend asked about Hayden's "real parents". I tried to calmly tell him that we were Hayden's real parents. Not sure I came across totally unaffected on that one as it really hurt me but when I look back on it I feel like people just don't know the right language to use and are curious because they are unfamiliar with adoption.
    So, I'd say consider the source. Are they trying to be interested and get to how you are doing and feeling? Or are they just curious and clueless. And go with how you are feeling at the time too. Are you up for educating them on the miracle of your special child? It's ok to not give everyone the whole story. It's up to you.

  6. I have a unique perspective... a parent of a child with 4p- and also twins. So we get it too... it seems everyone wants to "comment" - they just dont' know what to say. With the twins - everyone used to ask me if we did IVF - as if that was any of their business! And then they would say things like: oh - a boy and a girl, now you have the perfect family. What? Since when did one of each gender make your family "perfect"???? Now we get other.. equally insulting questions / comments about things that are none of anyone's business. I usually respond with, "Oh - did you?" - but then I have a quirky sense of humor. I once actually told a lady who asked how we got twins that we just did it a lot. (again... weird sense of humor). With Alexander - I try to be sensitive.. but after awhile - sometimes I feel the truth can shame a person into realizing how intrusive they really are. For example - "why is he so small?" "He has a genetic disorder that makes him small. Thanks for asking." :) I'm not upset with the answer - I love my twins. I love my precious Alexander. But... the questions can grate your nerves.
