Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My big girl.

Mercy is 4.65 kilos as of today.  She is 58 cm.  She isn't as big as the doctor would like, but she is doing ok.  She just got prescribed an acid reducer, so hopefully she will not be barfing like she was.  The doc wants her to grow 15 grams a day and right now she is at 9 per day. 

She likes to roll from side to side and on a flat surface, she will spin around in circles.  She can hold up her head for a few minutes at a time before she gets tired and it bounces all around. 

Her hips are finally settled just right and she is going to be having her cleft surgery at the end of next month.  She will also, along with the nose job, have more plastic surgery done on her eye, which will make it close a lot better while she sleeps. 

She is not making a ton of sounds, just crying, but she has a big hearing test coming up so we are hoping to resolve the issue of hearing soon. 

Her eyes, so far, are doing well.  She is tracking, so she can see a little bit.  She loves to watch lights, but hates the sun. 

Everything else is going ok.  Nothing super huge is going wrong so we are happy with where we are right now. 

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