Friday, January 7, 2011

Starting Out

I am going to start my blog from the beginning.  The day that we knew we were pregnant.  Our oldest was four, and our son was two.  Everything was great.  There was going to be more kids than adults in our house, although some would argue that was already the case, and we were totally excited.  .  We told our families before our first visit to the doctor.  Eight weeks along and everything was as it should be.  We would have a baby the beginning of November. 

Our church had a service that ended with a communion and annointing with oil and prayer.  We told our life director (ex-pastor) and he annointed us with oil and said a prayer.  This pregnancy was blessed from the very beginning.

It was April 22nd, our anniversary, and we were looking at our third child for the first time.  We bought the CD so we could take it home and watch it over and over, like good obsessive parents.  Our other two children were crazy in the womb, twisting and turning, sucking thumbs and the like.  The ultrasound tech was nice, but seemed distracted as she scanned.  Our two kids were interested for all of two minutes. 

The baby did not move very much.  We didn't want to know the sex, we wanted it to be a surprise.  The baby was setting too low and not turning (something that would happen for every ultrasound during my pregnancy) so she didn't get all of the info she wanted.  She asked us to come back  a few weeks later when the baby was bigger.  She measured the baby and told us our due date would be around November 23rd. 

We left the office with the feeling everything was OK, but our baby was going to be different.  Maybe just small and mellow.  How nice to have a baby who fits in the right size clothes, I thought.  A baby that will sit quietly and not send me in every direction.  We were happy we were going to get to see the baby again.

I went alone to the second visit mostly  because the other kids were too bored in there.  Lisa (the tech) had the same issue.  The baby was way too low to see very well and not really moving around.  We even tried jiggling her and me in many different positions.  This time her due date came up as November 28th.  She asked if my other two kids were small babies, and I said no, both over 8 pounds.  She told me not to worry, the doctor would look it over at my next appointment. 

My next appointment with my OBGYN was a couple of weeks later.  He did not like the small size of the baby and wanted me to go to the Maternal Fetal Center of our local Childrens Hospital.  They got me in for the next day.  The promptness of a hospital appointment was alarming.  As well as the call to conform my ultrasound, paranatal doctor visit and genetic counseling.  The last bit was a surprise to us.

Still, we felt like everything was fine and normal and this was all precautionary.  The first ultrasound at the Childrens Hospital found out some things we did not know before.  We saw a club foot and a cleft lip.  This information was enough to prompt them to discuss "options" with us.  Because of the two birth defects, they suggested an amniocentisis.  So we had that done.  The two weeks waiting for the results was awful.  But that was all we could do.

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